6 Simple Exercises to Lose Thigh Fat Fast

5. Plié

How about a nice ballet move to tighten up the backs of your thighs? Ballet is an extremely challenging form of dance but you don’t have to take lessons to reap the benefits of the moves. The plié is really another form of squat.

How to Do It

  • For this move, stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width and point your toes out.
  • Bring your arms out straight in front of your body at shoulder height and slowly lower into a squat. Your knees will bow outward but should not extend over your toes.
  • Slowly return to starting position and repeat.
  • Keep your glutes tight, your tailbone tucked, and your back straight.
  • The move can be made more challenging by doing a gentle bounce or pulse at the bottom of the squat before returning to the start position.
  • Try for one minute of continuous squats, then rest and repeat if you have it in you.
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