12 Foods to Get Rid of Belly Fat

12. Avocados

Again, fat is not necessarily the enemy when you are engaged in the battle of the bulge.

The healthy monounsaturated fats in avocados help to control blood sugar spikes, and those spikes are what trigger your body to store fat around the midsection.

You’ll also get a nice amount of protein and help your body to better absorb carotenoids, which are a class of antioxidants that may help prevent cancer. Adding avocado to a salad full of colorful and carotenoid-rich veggies really maximizes the benefit.

Try boosting your intake of these 12 foods when you want to target belly fat. The results are likely to be much better than any pre-packaged diet foods can deliver, and you won’t feel hungry or deprived in the process.

Shifting your focus to healthy, whole foods over restrictive and convoluted diets also sets you up for long term success because maintaining a healthy weight is about changing the way you eat over a lifetime, not just during a six-week crusade to look better in a bathing suit.

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